Blue, blue, my world is blue
Blue is my world since I’m without you …

So sang Marty Robins, associating blue with the feeling of sadness, as in ‘I am feeling blue’. Among the symbolic meanings ascribed to the colour blue is a feeling of calm and serenity; a sense of social distancing (in the sense before the arrival of the pandemic); and cold in terms of emotions. Then too, we talk about something happening ‘once in a blue moon’, or describe the bad start of a week as experiencing a ‘blue Monday’. Whatever your interpretation of blue might be, it is a natural colour only clouds and the cover of night can hide from us. A blue sky is a part of our world – how fortunate we are that it is not bright red!

Blue flowers include a morning glory:


The flowers of rosemary are also blue:

This flower arrangement has elements of blue:

I will leave you with this interesting image of a church tower that has been painted blue:


29 thoughts on “BLUE

  1. I just love this post, and how wonderful it was to see plumbago again. For many years I was able to buy it for my summer patio, but the last few years, it hasn’t been available. A wonderful reminder of lush tropical gardens!


  2. I had never thought about that calming effect on our human passions, of having a blue sky to look at. Thank you for that! Yes, the idea of a constantly red sky is dreadful. When it is briefly showing more “inflammatory” colors as in glorious sunsets, it is enough excitement.

    Blue on Orthodox churches is traditional because it is the color associated with Christ’s mother. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice blue theme, Anne – I love a deep blue sky, there is not enough during our gray, short winter days. Once it snows, though, the white will make the blue skies all the more brilliant!


    • I have a blue bedroom: it is cool, calm – and yes, I remember many (snatches at least) of my dreams. Whether the colour has anything to do with that, who can tell 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love blue, and that morning glory is a sight for sore eyes! I didn’t plant any last year as I’ve had problems with them blooming too late in the season to enjoy, but next spring yes….


  5. That song took me back some years 🙂 I love the blue of the sky, and also the sea in some parts of the world. Our sea is not the bright blue I am talking of, more of a greenish blue. My love for blue struck home when I found myself at a store wearing a dark blue top and waiting to try on new tops, all three blue-based! 😀
    Lovely pictures of blue.


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