Some years ago my brother gave me a clump of irises that he was thinning out in his Gauteng garden. All such donations are gratefully accepted and for the next few years I enjoyed the bounty of their blooming. Then came the drought. Year after year more of them died. I simply didn’t have the water to keep them alive – although the unbearable heat was something they had to contend with too. I am left with three plants, one of which has bravely put forth a flower.

Such a pretty flower is worth a closer look.

I only noticed the tiny beetle (visible in both the above photographs) after taking the second one. It too needs a closer look.

25 thoughts on “A PRETTY IRIS

  1. I love bearded irises. This one has such rich color. It is quite beautiful and it must be very good stock to have survived the horrible drought you are in.


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