I have done a lot of clearing and tidying up lately. Some things simply cannot be got rid of – even though the original owners show scant interest in them at the moment. What I refer to are three teddies and an elephant that have belonged to my children since they were babies. Two are still dressed in the garb worn when they were last played with:

They remain on my study shelf as a cheerful reminder of my children through their growing up years – and of their children.

31 thoughts on “TEDDIES

  1. I hold on to some of those treasures as well. I keep thinking my adult children could change their minds. I think I am holding onto them for me. You have made a pretty display! That’s inspiring!


    • Perhaps I too am holding onto them for me. Who knows … they may find a new home with their original owners sometime. Anyhow, it is their call to get rid of them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. All us mothers have these happy sad reminders, don’t we?! I, too, have a few much-loved toys from my daughter’s childhood – a hippo(Popo) and a large odd very yellow bird, still dear to all. I tried giving them away but someone or the other says, oh never mind. And I gladly give in!


  3. Reminds me of a Teddy bear my wife had as a child and passed down to our girls–and now one of them has passed it on to her daughters. The thing I’ve seen over the years, however, is that so many kids today have so many toys that none of them seems so special to them that they cherish, take care of, and hope to hold onto so they can be passed down to other loving children.


    • You are right. I only had one teddy, and he was important. Nonetheless, even though my grandchildren have several soft toys, they have a definite favourite or two among them 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I collected teddy bears for years, beginning as an adult, but only stopped collecting when I turned 50 and had nowhere to put them anymore. I am planning on doing a post at Christmas about my teddy bears, teddy bear ceramic Christmas trees and a tapestry jacket that is made from the same design as the tree. My mom bought me one teddy bear when I was an adult and said “because you were allergic to stuffed animals as a baby, you couldn’t have them” … she said later she was sorry she started that collection. I believe I have 52 altogether.


      • Thank you Esther. I am going to put the tree up … I have not decorated in so long and there is something about a Christmas tree, lit up and glowing in the dark and some of the Christmas spirit is lost with new decorations. We decorated a lot for a small house. Once the house is totally in order (and that won’t be this year at the rate I am going), I will do a little more. It was a whole-day project as I had to tuck away knick knacks etc. to make room for Christmas knick knacks (many which were bears that my mom got or my Rodney Reindeer family … nice memories).


  5. Ek het ñ boks vol sulke ‘onthou goetertjies’ van my kinders. Dis deel van ma-wees, glo ek, Anne. Iets van hulle net vir onsself.


    • Jy is reg, Una. Ek besef dat dit eintlik verkeerd is om te verwag dat my kinders hierdie bere will neem: hulle is eintlik ‘onthou goetertjies’ vir my tevredenheid 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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