It is some time since I was able to add a new tea to my collection. What a treat it was then to receive this box of English Breakfast Tea under the label of Ahmad Tea of London.

English Breakfast tea has always been a favourite of mine for it is strong and robust – perfect for breakfast and any other time I feel in need of a ‘pick-me-up’. This tea is no exception for it has a rich taste and a beautiful dark colour which, I grant you, I spoil somewhat by adding a dash of milk! The foil-wrapped tea bags may be excessive in terms of packaging, yet they ensure the freshness of the tea – and I rather enjoy the duplication of the illustration on the box.

Black tea is my preferred drink and I particularly enjoy this blend of Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan teas – all are delicious in their own right – that provides a smooth and satisfying drink. I note from the box that this tea is produced by Ahmad Tea FZ – LLC in the United Arab Emirates for Ahmad Tea Ltd. In London.


    • It is probably quite an ‘ordinary’ tea in your part of the world and thus not noteworthy. We get a very limited variety here unless one visits a specialist tea shop in one of the big cities.

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  1. My wife is a tea drinker, too, and once her students found out, their moms supplied her with a rich supply of various teas that will last through much of her retirement! She has no competition for the supply since I rarely drink tea, so she should be set for quite some time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nothing like a good quality tea. Interesting that the tea company is Arabian, while the teas are Asian and African… an alliteration! 🙂
    These days I’m having mine in iced form as the temps hover above 30ºC. Phew!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There is nothing as refreshing as a good tea! Although I am generally more a coffee drinker (coffee snob, more like!🤣), I too prefer English Breakfast, just a dash of milk, please. Also, though, over the past 10 years or so I have been turning more towards loose tea as I imagine I can actually ‘taste’ the bag! Seems I am becoming a tea snob as well! One can buy Five Roses and Joko brand teas loose in a box at some supermarkets, but disappointingly it seems they use the tiny ‘crumbs’ left over from the process of filling the tea bags! The leaf crumbs are sometimes almost powder, and just fall through any infuser’s holes.
    I will have to ‘get over myself’ though, as I have been searching the supermarkets in Aus and there are no normal teas sold loose-leaf in supermarkets. One can buy very expensive artisan teas loose-leaf, but apart from the ridiculous price, they are all these flavored and infused varieties. So I will simply have to get over myself and go back to tea bags! Enjoyed the post! Thanks! 😃


  4. That sounds absolutely scrumptious! I’m always on the look-out for a good English Breakfast tea, so I might just have to give this one a try. These days, I’ve been enjoying Novel Teas by Bag Ladies. They’re English Breakfast (Ceylon? I think so) and each teabag tag has a literary quote on it. The last one tasted a bit…off, though. Like cardboard almost–gag! But they’re usually to my liking.


    • This is a tea that hasn’t been on my radar before. I checked it out online – far too expensive in South Africa though! Breakfast tea ranks among my favourite drinks when I need a pick-me-up 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: AHMAD TEA – ENGLISH BREAKFAST — Something Over Tea – Jack Russell

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