The heat combined with a prolonged drought has meant a paucity of flowers blooming during the summer. A light autumnal rain encouraged a few hardy ones to brighten the space – mostly singly and so each has required a much closer look than usual, which I share with you. First is the Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata). These are generally enjoyed en masse and we pay scant attention to the delicate texture and pattern of the petals.

This is the only lavender flower in the garden. Buds have appeared on other plants since the rain and so I have more flowers to look forward to.

The spreading perennial, Commelina benghalensis is starting to blossom. The flowers are so small that one does not usually bend down to appreciate them. At this stage though anything with colour is worth a closer look!

We are approaching the best time of the year to appreciate the trumpet-shaped orange flowers of the Cape Honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis), another flower one tends to admire from afar instead of appreciating the delicate darker orange stripes on the petals and the dark stamens.

Then there is a scruffy looking geranium that has survived, bravely showing a flower or two that is also worth a closer look in order to appreciate its beauty.

These pictures were all taken with my cell phone.

10 thoughts on “MY AUTUMN GARDEN

  1. Beautiful. The lines on the Cape Honeysuckle, especially so. We have a Commelina benghalensis, somewhat similar to the flower above. With no rains for a while now, there are none around this time of the year.


    • Shail, you have made me return to my identification of Commelinas. The one in my garden is indeed the same as you have – the size and shape of the leaves are the difference and so I have altered the name above. Thank you. I should have been more observant! They are regarded as weeds by many gardeners because of their rampant growth. I appreciate most plants that take root in my garden.

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