The heat of summer is scorchingly upon us – along with the absence of much-needed rain. Bird baths require filling more than once a day and current restrictions prevent the garden from receiving the watering it needs to flourish, yet most plants are surviving. I have already shown the beautiful blossoms of the Cape Chestnut and the Pompon trees, so will look much lower.

Field Bindweed – so difficult to eradicate owing to their long underground runners – twists its way between the lavender bushes and climbs up the Spekboom. It has a beauty of its own.

The small clump of Gladiolus dalenii has increased over the years and is now providing beautiful colour outside the kitchen.

Numerous butterflies are flitting about – most are too high for me to photograph. Many of them are (I think) Acara Acraea.

All over the garden self-sown Crossberries are blooming.

As are scented pelargoniums.

Lastly, the Plumbago blossoms are looking particularly beautiful right now.

33 thoughts on “MY JANUARY GARDEN 2021

  1. What a stunning butterfly! We don’t see those at all! Your Gladiolus is lovely! I don’t recall ever seeing a Crossberry. Such a pretty flower! I imagine the berries are loved by your birds, too. The Bindweed is another plant with which I’m unfamiliar. It resembles a Morning Glory in structure and form, but appears to be smaller? Quite lovely, too! The blue of the Plumbago is always a winning eye catcher!
    I hope you more rain will fall before the end of your rainy season. Right now, despite the intense heat, your garden seems to be holding its own admirably. You made a wise decision to largely stick to planting tried and tested indigenous species.
    Thank you for sharing these trusty plants with us, Anne. I’ll look out for them when I next get to a nursery.

    Liked by 1 person

    • For flowers, such as petunias, I have resorted to container gardening: filling all the pots as I can find as these require less water and I can group them any way I wish. The gladiolus is indigenous and has, over the years, multiplied into several clumps so that they are able to provide quite a show now. Crossberries also seed themselves – probably thanks to the birds – in various places and provide an early blush of pink in the summer. I am glad you enjoy the pumbago – nothing seems to get it down!


  2. Nice to see things growing. I esp, like the gladiolus. Sorry that the heat has returned and water restrictions are back in place. It must be a challenge to deal with that. Do you have a gray water containment?


    • I have just had to replace the dead cosmos and pansies with marigolds, gazanias and petunias. They are wilting in the hot sun, but will survive I hope as the bed they are in receives afternoon shade.

      Liked by 1 person

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